турско кафе Mehmet Efendi

With a cezve

• It only takes two minutes to prepare delicious and aromatic Turkish Coffee.
• Measure water with a cup and pour it into the cezve.
• Add 1 or 2 tbs coffee (5-6 g per cup) and two tbs sugar (the quantity of sugar depends on personal tastes).
• Stir the coffee and sugar on a low heat.
• Pour some of the froth in the cups.
• Let the coffee rise once more and serve it.
• It is a custom to serve Turkish coffee with water. Drinking the water prepares the consumer for the coffee’s flavor.
• When serving a large group, it is best to prepare semi-sweet Turkish Coffee.


With a Turkish coffee machine.
The other way to prepare Turkish coffee is by using a coffee machine.

Useful information

• Use only clean drinking water. Water containing chlorine or other chemical elements affect the flavour of the coffee.
• Always use high quality, freshly roasted coffee that is ground and packaged immediately after roasting. • Always store the coffee in a sealed container.
• If you store your coffee in a jar or other such container:
  – Always make sure the container is kept clean;
  – Do not add new coffee to the container until the original coffee has been finished;
  – Do not place a spoon in the container.
• Always make sure your coffeepots are clean.
• Do not use soap or detergent hen cleaning your coffeepots. If you have to use detergent, make sure to thoroughly rinse the coffeepots with water, so that there are no traces of cleaning products. If there are any traces of detergent left, will affect the coffee's aroma and taste negatively.
• When washing the coffee cups use unscented soaps and rinse thoroughly with water.
• If you use a coffee machine to prepare your coffee, be sure to carefully  follow the instructions from the manual.
• Brew the coffee when you need it using the amount you require. If the coffee is allowed to sit too long after brewing, it will cool and lose its aroma.

турско кафе